• Submissions

    We accept literary prose, poetry (3 MAX), articles (1,500 WC MAX), flash fiction (1,000 MAX), and creative nonfiction (2K MAX). All work must be original and adhere to our mission statement. Submit via ONE Google doc. to callapresspublishing@gmail.com via ONE email only.

  • Guidelines

    Our Senior Editor has created a helpful resource to follow when submitting. Please submit all work in ONE document using ONE email. Submissions with multiple docs and emails from the same author will be overlooked. We also accept simultaneous submissions in any genre but please be clear what you’re submitting.

  • Themes

    Because we only publish our annual print journal during the spring, we ask that submissions do not have a holiday theme to it, unless it is around Easter. Otherwise, our journal accepts any topic. Our online journAl has no theme. All subs must be sent to callapresspublishing@gmail.com.

Welcome to calla press, our literary journal

  • Online literary submissions open again May 1st (NOW CLOSED). This differs from our print literary journal that the founder will put out.

    At Calla Press, we create slow art for readers to reflect on and hopefully draw people closer to Christ. We’re releasing collections of essays, poetry, and flash fiction twice a year, in the middle of June and December.

    Submissions are open for only two weeks in May and November, and we’re accepting only 15-30 pieces per collection. Follow submission guidelines closely to stand out. The summer collection releases online the middle of June and the winter collection the middle of December.

    All submissions must be sent to callapresspublishing@gmail.com.

    We put out a Spring print literary journal and the founder handles its operations. The Spring 2024 Literary Journal submissions window is now CLOSED to submission until next year 2025.

  • Essays and articles covering any topic that respects our Statement of Faith, from motherhood to apologetics. Do not exceed 1,500 words.

    Creative nonfiction should not exceed one entry of 5,000 words. We publish short memoirs (2K-5K words), personal essays, and narrative nonfiction.

  • Flash fiction submissions should not exceed 1,000 words. You may submit up to three poems per submission. We did receive a flash that was three words, believe it or not.

    Poems or prose should not exceed 200 words each. All poems must be titled or will not be accepted.

  • Our online literary journal is currently closed and will reopen to submissions May 1, 2024 for two weeks (NOW CLOSED). Please look under “When We Publish” for more information.

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